Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY in Our Life: Sometimes JOY Can be Viewed from a Hammock or a Porch Swing. You may have to plan for it!

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY in Our Life: Sometimes JOY Can be Viewed from a Hammock or a Porch Swing. You may have to plan for it!

Balcony in Cancun

March 4, 2016 ยท

As seen from the hammock as I awakened from a nap this morning in Cancun Mexico. Gentle breezes, singing birds, a person gliding through the air on a parachute (upper left corner) – Yup – I could enjoy this life! Gently swinging in the hammock was wonderful. Sometimes you just have to take time to swing just because! JOY to you this day.

By Maxine R. McLellan