Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY in Our Garden: Alive with Chatter

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY in Our Garden: Alive with Chatter

JOY in Our Garden: On April 4 flocks of birds checked into our diner for sustenance, while providing us with enJOYable viewing. As snow continued to fall, we were blessed with the visits of cardinals, several types of sparrows, juncos, chickadees, a pair of robins, yellow finches, a very large flock of red finches, and even some small woodpeckers. The trees were alive with chatter. Four cats and one dog sat side-by-side at the patio door, watching with intense attention. When adversity strikes, such as in the unexpected storms of life, it is good to gather together, to help and encourage one another, even if all you can do is provide little seeds for thought and reminders that the JOY of the Lord is your strength and that yes, this too shall pass and we will get through this together.

By: Maxine R McLellan
April 4, 2016