Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY In Our Life: Sometimes JOY Pops Up

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY In Our Life: Sometimes JOY Pops Up

Praying Hands

JOY in Our Life: Sometimes JOY pops up and grabs you when you least expect it. A couple of weeks back I felt prompted to pray for a woman who has purchased education materials from my JOY Center of Learning business. So I did. A week ago I was at a store a few blocks from her home in Brampton and again her name came to mind and I again prayed. Four days ago I drove a friend the hour to Brampton to apply for a passport. Among the 75 or so people there a woman I saw seemed vaguely familiar. We smiled at each other as we passed. A few minutes later she approached me and asked if I was Maxine. It turns out she was my customer whom I know mostly through phone conversations over the past fourteen years!

We chatted and I was told her mother died in Hong Kong about two weeks ago. Gladys was getting passports for her children so they could all travel to the memorial service in June. I had prayed with and counselled her in the past two years as they struggled through tragedies and heartbreak. A coincidence that I was prompted to pray when her mum died, then when they were making travel plans? I just happened to be in the same office in a huge city at the same time? Nope! We exchanged JOYful hugs in a crowded room, rejoicing together over God’s love.

When prompted to pray. Do it. Someone may be needing an infilling of strength and JOY.