Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY In Our Garden: The “Girls” Next Door

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY In Our Garden: The “Girls” Next Door

A chicken and a squirrel visiting our deck

visiting chickensIt is always a JOY to me when the girls come to call from next door. They are delightfully entertaining and ever cheerful. Their antics in the font garden or coming up the ramp to peek in the door, or playing peek-a- boo with me on the back porch steps brings some light hearted silliness to the day. Watching them JOYfully run around the yard makes me chuckle and especially so when a squirrel or two joins in the fun. Sometimes I wonder if I am entertaining angels unawares sent on a mission to cause me to pause, to be mindful of the need to take a break, to breathe, to live JOYfully in the moment.

Take time in your day to enJOY whatever angels come your way whether with or without wings, two legged or four. Don’t be tempted to believe you are being interrupted. Believe and enjoy being visited by angels unawares sent on a mission to bring you a time to pause, to breathe, to live in the moment, to enJOY.