Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY In Our Life: This is a lesson about JOY

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY In Our Life: This is a lesson about JOY

JOY in Our Life : this is a lesson about JOY. Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to find it. As I write this it is after two a.m. on a rainy night in May. Diamond and I met each other in the hallway as we each headed downstairs, she bug eyed, shivering in fright, tail between her legs, refusing to go back to bed. There was no JOY in her when she went outside to relieve herself. I am shivering and shaking from the extreme pain of a mega migraine causing my teeth, ears eyes,, head, face, sinuses to be exploding in pain and a stomach threatening to up-chuck any moment. Meanwhile, a massive canker sore has developed on the side of my tongue while I was sleeping. Yes, during the past four plus days I have been battling this attack with minor to epic episodes, I have taken massive and immediate action in many ways.

The lesson: when you are tempted to believe you cannot handle another second, take several deep and slow calming breaths, and reach inside to dig up some buried JOY: The JOY of the Lord is my strength. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me are two favourites. Refocus your mind away from your challenge and focus on calm, peace, strength and recovery. Sing or hum an encouraging song. I listen to Whole Tones music by M. Tyrell. Tonight I am giving comfort and calm to Diamond now laying on a mat beside the couch I am on. We are both covered in nice blankies. In the darkest hours always remember, the sun will shine again. Walk toward the light and carry with you at least a seed of JOY that will ultimately yield more JOY.

By: Rev. Maxine R McLellan
May 11, 2018