Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY In Our Life: Forget-Me-Not

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY In Our Life: Forget-Me-Not

JOY in Our Life: Majune is my special month. Sometimes the “normal” just doesn’t fit your needs and so I arbitrarily chose many years ago to create a new frame of reference. For me, from mid-May to mid-June (Majune) marks many times of sad and of happy memories. The pictures of my back yard with a carpet of those delightful forget-me-not blooms bring memories, both of sadness of heart and of JOY. As a I walked in the sunshine, enJOYing the sight I was reminded of a poem I wrote in 2011 and share with you today. Let your sorrows turn to JOY as you live the rest of your story.


Forget-me-not – such a big request
from I, who have been laid to rest.
Forget-me-not for the smiles and tears
as we shared our story over the years.
Forget-me-not for my love for you
as you gaze upon these flowers of blue.
Forget-me-not, but mourn not with
great tears and sorrow; where I am now,
you’ll be with me some tomorrow.
Carry on for me, sharing God’s love
‘till He calls you to your home above.
With the great cloud of witnesses
‘twill be wondrous glory as we gather
to hear the rest of the story!

(Maxine R. McLellan, 2011)

By: Maxine R McLellan
June 5, 2016