Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY in Our Garden: Tulip Exercise

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY in Our Garden: Tulip Exercise

JOY in Our Garden: Quickly now, looking at these four lovely tulips, state out loud four ways in which you are blessed, right now, right in this moment. That probably did not take much effort. But, how long has it been since you did an exercise like this? And yes, it is an exercise. It is an exercise not only of the mind, but also of the heart and of the spirit. Get into the habit of taking a few moments every day to bring to mind just a few things that bring you contentment, peace, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, encouragement, or whatever “theme” you decide. Exercise takes practice and commitment, but if you get into this habit (it apparently takes 66 repetitions/days to create a lasting habit), then a wonderful result takes place. Your mind, your heart, and your spirit will become alive with JOY, just as these tulips, with heads turned up to the sun, shouting to the world, “To you and yours – blessings of JOY!”

By: Maxine R McLellan
June 14, 2016