Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY in Our Life: A Sweater Called JOY

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY in Our Life: A Sweater Called JOY

JOY in Our Life : Sometimes something just does not make any sense, no matter how hard you work at coming up with an explanation or reason. No amount of blaming, playing the “if only I had …” or “had not …” games where you fill in the …will resolve the questions of how or why.

This red sweater appeared mysteriously in my laundry hamper. I washed it, thinking my daughter must have purchased it at a thrift store. Apparently not. I asked people who had been in our home as guests or in our chapel who may have left it. Nope! Perhaps an angel or an alien had visited us? This is a very simplistic illustration but it is a reminder that some things we just will never understand.

In spite of circumstances, unexplainable events, challenges, and even the plain weird like the sweater, allow yourself to rise above confusion or anxiety. Hold tight to deep, abiding JOY that a relationship with God brings. Face “whatever” wrapped up as in a comfy, protective sweater called JOY.
By Maxine R McLellan