Shelburne, ON, L9V 3M1 Canada

JOY in Our Life: Little Things Can Bring Big JOY

Transform Your Life by Finding JOY in the Every Day

JOY in Our Life: Little Things Can Bring Big JOY

My thumb is always very painful so I recently made a splint to keep the knuckle from bending. It took a lot of work to create it with my right hand, considering I am left handed. As I was bagging groceries I realized my thumb was in significant pain and my splint was gone. I checked in the van to see if it was there. It was not. We had been in the huge store for at least twenty minutes packed with Friday afternoon shoppers. We prayed for God’s help as we dashed back in to search for the splint. As we rushed through the front door I spotted a store employee about thirty feet into the store reach down to pick up a small, dark object and then toss it into a large trash can! Imagine her surprise when I ran up to her and exclaimed it was my splint! She took the lid off the can, rustled through the garbage and handed me the splint! Talk about big JOY! Coincidence that it just happened to be in the middle of the entrance area after all kinds of people had entered for at least twenty minutes? Lucky that no one had stepped on it or kicked it aside? Lucky she just happened to pick it up as I entered the area? Lucky that I saw it happening? I think not!

I fully believe God had a part in all that happened. There was no coincidence nor random luck. Think in terms of God intervening on your behalf to bring about not only large, but even small miracles and blessings. I believe He does so regularly just so your heart can have a fill up of JOY. Here’s a “thumb up” for JOY!